


Some subjects, for a myriad of reasons, not all of them immediately apparent, can sustain my fascination for many years. I have grown globe artichokes in my garden over a long period of time and while I enjoy the culinary pleasure that they can give, the visual feast that I also derive from these sometimes-spectacular plants, also gives great satisfaction. It is also interesting that the visual interest in these specimens lasts for a far greater length of time than their relatively short-lived existence as an edible vegetable. Indeed, some of these seed heads have lived with me for many years, quietly, in various containers in corners of my studio. There they co-exist with me as I work around them from day to day, slowly revealing different facets of their very gradual development from growing plants to apparently lifeless and desiccated entities. Patience and observation however, reveals, albeit very slowly, that they, like the wider landscape are constantly evolving. In the same manner of experiencing the broader topography of nature, it takes a keen and sensitive eye to appreciate these subtle evolutions.

ISBN: 978-1-03-445631-5
Large format - 12" x 12" limited edition hardback book  with  over fifty black and white images of globe artichoke plant forms from Pete's garden, .during the various stages of their growth and decay. Each book come with a 10" x  8" print

Below is an image of the front and back cover and a selection of double page spreads.

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